You have the power within you to create the motherhood you want! 


We are all perfectly imperfect mamas and we mean the world to our children!


You are in control of what you think, say and do!



Most would describe me as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher, nanny and mama mindset coach. I am so much more than that and so are you!

While these are awesome roles I play, who I am runs much deeper than that. I am legendary, magical, rooted and vibrant. I am fun-spirited, kind-hearted, creative and enthusiastic. 

I get to choose to be the woman I want to be and the mama I want to be. I am creating the motherhood of my dreams!

Join me on a journey of peace, joy, greater confidence, and emotional resilience so you can make your motherhood experience magical and fulfill your dreams!


Motherhood is no walk in the park, unless we are talking about the Jurassic Park. ;) With experience as both a working mama and a stay-at-home mama, I learned that it was challenging in either setting. Motherhood is hard all the way around. I noticed myself feeling mom rage, mom guilt, overwhelmed, exhausted, overstimulated, constantly tired, not enough... all the feels we get as mamas. I would think of myself as a monster, tired, angry, irritated, etc. None of this resonated with me or aligned with the mama I wanted to be. I knew something needed to change. 
I decided that I needed to dig deep and make some changes so that I could show up as the mama I wanted to be and find joy in motherhood. I didn't want to live with the victim mentality any longer! I found the answers that I was looking for and implemented them into my journey. There is a night and day difference between how I felt then and how I feel now.
I am on a mission to help other mamas make this transformational shift and to empower them in their motherhood, unlocking the magic and experiencing joy every step of the way. 
Imagine a motherhood where you feel calm, centered, and empowered to embrace each moment with joy.
If you're ready to try something new, implement new techniques, and shift your mindset to align with the mama you want to be, I am ready to lead the way.


"I am very grateful to have Jessica as a coach. She is empathetic and kind. I always feel that I can be very real with her. She listens without judgment and has words of encouragement to help me see the best in me. Motherhood has been the most challenging thing I have done. Several times, I have found myself doubting my ability to be a mom. Thanks to Jessica's advice and tips, I am starting to enjoy my motherhood journey. I am still a work in progress. I can't help but feel confident that things will improve for the best."

Kiara Horstmann

"I never knew that motherhood could feel this fulfilling and joyous. I am beginning to see my motherhood experience and my children differently. I am happy with the changes that I am making in my life with these tools that I am applying daily. Change hasn't been easy but I work at it day by day and it is starting to become more natural for me."
